Report MIGHRER - Complete reference material


Nel 2008 la Rete delle Regioni per la salute dell'OMS ha avviato il progetto “Migrants and Healthcare: Responses by European Regions”, per descrivere in modo sistematico azioni e strategie per la salute dei migranti adottate a livello sub-nazionale in alcune Regioni europee. Razionale dello studio è la convinzione che le autorità regionali abbiano un ruolo fondamentale nel garantire che politiche e strategie nazionali per i migranti siano realmente attuate a livello locale, e nel promuovere le azioni necessarie per creare le condizioni (organizzazione dei servizi sanitari, coordinamento e integrazione delle attività, risorse per i progetti, ...).

La prima fase del progetto è consistita nella raccolta di dati e informazioni dalle Regioni partecipanti a MIGHRER, presentati in due formati:

  • una pubblicazione - presentazione generale del progetto e sintesi dei report regionali, con particolare attenzione alle azioni promosse a livello locale per migliorare la salute dei migranti (Biocca et al. eds. Migrants and Health Care: Responses by European Regions (MIGHRER). Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, in press)
  • il materiale completo - scaricabile da questa pagina web. Include: gli 11 report regionali con informazioni dettagliate su sistemi sanitari, normativa e iniziative per la salute dei migranti; un capitolo introduttivo di Sandro Cattacin (Università di Ginevra); capitoli sulle attività di PICUM, IOM e della Task force Migrant-Friendly and Culturally Competent Hospitals, istituita nella Rete HPH del WHO Regional Office for Europe


Il contenuto dei capitoli è esclusiva responsabilità degli autori indicati in prima pagina. Vista l'elevata variabilità delle situazioni descritte nei report regionali, si consideri la data di aggiornamento del capitolo.

In 2008 the WHO Regions for Health Network initiated the project “Migrants and Healthcare: Responses by European Regions”, to describe in a systematic way strategies and actions for migrant health and health services adopted at the sub-national level in some European countries. Fundamental to the project rationale is the assumption that sub-national authorities have an important role in ensuring that national policies and strategies for migrant health are accordingly implemented at local level, and in promoting the necessary actions for creating the proper conditions for success (health service organizations, coordination and integration of activities, resources for project, ...). This role should be studied and emphasized because of its relevance for migrant health outcomes.
The first phase of the project was dedicated to gather data from participating regions; results are presented in two formats:

  • a publication - general overview of the project and summaries of the regional chapters focusing on promising actions planned at regional level in order to improve migrant health (Biocca et al. eds. Migrants and Health Care: Responses by European Regions (MIGHRER). Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, in press)
  • complete reference material - available on this webpage. It includes the 11 regional reports with detailed information on health systems, rules and initiatives relating to migrant health; an introductory chapter by Sandro Cattacin (University of Geneva); chapters on the work performed by PICUM, IOM and by the Task Force on Migrant-Friendly and Culturally Competent Hospitals, which was set up within the framework of the WHO Regional Office for Europe HPH Network


Chapters’ content is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author(s) indicated on the title page. Considering the high changeability of data described in the regional reports, please note the date of each chapter.

Index of the document

  • I. Introduction 
  • II. Migration and Health - Ontological Security and Pluralist Inclusion 
  • III. Regional report Catalonia 
  • IV. Regional report Emilia-Romagna 
  • V. Regional report North West England 
  • VI. Regional report Sicily 
  • VII. Regional report Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County 
  • VIII. Regional report Ticino
  • IX. Regional report Tuscany 
  • X. Regional report Varna 
  • XI. Regional report Västra Götaland
  • XII. Regional report Veneto 
  • XIII. Regional report Wales
  • XIV. WHO and the health of migrants in the European Region 
  • XV. PICUM: Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants 
  • XVI. International Organization for Migration: selection of field programmes on migrant health
  • XVII. Migrant-friendly and culturally competent health care: a task force of the Health Promoting Hospitals network


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rapporti, linee guida, documenti tecnici
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