Dossier n. 171/2008 [Abstract] Citizens’ remarks to the Offices for relations with the public at Health Trusts. Regional report 2007
- Descrizione/Abstract:
Since 2003 an informatics system was implemented in all the Local Health Trusts and Hospital Trusts of Emilia-Romagna to collect and manage citizens’ remarks (complaints, praises, notes, suggestions); this system allows health organizations to have a feedback on their activities and to get data and information in order to improve care paths, to recognize their strengths and to increase citizen’s confidence in the Health system.
The volume presents the analysis of all remarks registered from January 1st through December 31st, 2007 and a study on the 2003-2007 trend of all kinds of remarks.
In 2007 16,669 remarks were presented, in particular:
- 8,042 complaints (48% of the total),
- 5,565 praises (33% of the total),
- 2,456 notes (15% of the total),
- 483 suggestions (3% of the total),
- 123 improper remarks (1% of the total).
A general increase of remarks can be noticed, from 12,001 in 2003 to 16,669 in 2007 (+4.668); the 2003-2007 trend analysis on the different types of remarks highlights a decrease of complaints in comparison to praises; this datum underlines the added value offered by the informatics system, that allows to identify not only critical aspects that can be improved but also positive elements that citizens experience and report to the organization itself.
As in previous years, also in 2007 “technical professional aspects” collect most remarks; this demonstrates that citizens give importance to the quality of provision both in negative and in positive terms: the category collected 1,709 complaints (corresponding to 21% of total complaints) and 3,160 praises (57% of total praises).
“Relational aspects” collected most praises - in particular for “courtesy and kindness” - confirming the positive trend of the preceding years.
Many remarks concern “Organization bureaucratic administrative aspects”, as in the past; however, citizens’ dissatisfaction has decreased, in particular between 2006 and 2007.
The category “time” collects an increasing number of complaints, from 932 in 2005 (corresponding to 12.2% of complaints) to 1,396 in 2007 (17.3%). Such datum suggests to consider more carefully the reason why, notwithstanding the regional efforts to reduce waiting times, citizens still consider “time” an aspect that could be improved.
The analysis of remarks distribution in the Health Trusts of Emilia-Romagna offers interesting indications as it represents an indicator of how each Health Trust uses the informatics system and also of how the population of that area believes that their opinion will be listened by the health organization.
Finally, it is important to underline that in 2007 a work group was created in the Offices for relations with the public (URP) of the regional Health Trusts to focus on organizational management aspects; the group identified some improvement actions that have already been spread to all URP professionals.
- Data di pubblicazione:
- 01/11/2008
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