Dossier n. 233/2013 [Abstract] Quality of local social services in Emilia-Romagna. Final report


The report presents the results of a research conducted by the Area Innovazione sociale (Social Innovation Area) of the Agenzia sanitaria e sociale regionale (Regional Agency for Health and Healthcare) in the 2010-2012 period on the organisational and institutional situation of the social services at local level in Emilia-Romagna.

These services should be managed and guaranteed by Municipal authorities organised in territorial entities denominated Health Districts, which assemble municipal areas up to 100.000 inhabitants. However, in practice only few Districts adopt an exclusive management format; more often each District decides to adopt diversified operational structures.

Based on this discrepancy, the report presents the outcomes of a systematic monitoring of performances by local social services of the Emilia-Romagna region and it recommends for ideal standards of quality which will need to be developed in future years through capacity building activities, exchange of good practices of service and normative enhancements. 


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