Dossier n. 205/2011 [Abstract] Information on prenatal genetic testing: women’s and health personnel’s point of view


The research project presented in the volume results from a confrontation among some professionals of the Regional Health Service of Emilia-Romagna: the theme was information modes within prenatal diagnosis paths - in particular the organization of services for genetic counselling and how citizens get informed on precocious diagnosis possibilities to detect foetal chromosomal anomalies - and how they can in case be improved.

From an analysis of existing literature, the points of view of people referring to these services and of those offering them have been studied using a qualitative method (focus groups, individual interviews).

As a whole, the results suggest an improvement of the path to follow women in this phase of their lives, both from a methodological side - for example adopting tools to make the path itself more known and more usable - and from a relational side - considering the context in which these good practices are adopted.


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