Materiali e documentazione del workshop
"Vivere sani e attivi in un mondo che invecchia", Bologna, 3 giugno 2013
Video di presentazione del Programma e dei 5 committment
Interventi dei relatori
Bringing regions together for better health (1.48 MB)
Kirsten Currie -
Mattone Internazionale Project (1.96 MB)
Lisa Leonardini, Pasqualino Rossi -
Il Progetto Mattone Internazionale e EIP-AHA (2.17 MB)
Pasqualino Rossi
European innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (3.21 MB)
Petra Leroy Čadová
- Esperienze regionali nel segno del Partenariato europeo per l'innovazione sull'invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute (EIP-AHA) (609.22 KB)
- Regional experiences in the context of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (600.48 KB)
Schede di buone pratiche regionali
- SOLE (Healthcare online) and EHR (Electronic Health Record - FSE Emilia-Romagna) (84.94 KB)
- PROFITER Prevention of falls initiative in Emilia-Romagna (87.15 KB)
- ARIA Project (87.84 KB)
Poster presentati durante il Convegno
- Novel approch for improvement adherence to medical plans, medication and management of Bioresources and Pharma (9.53 MB)
Luca Sangiorgi - Dalla valutazione del fenomeno “caduta” in ambito Ospedaliero all’empowerment dei cittadini e dei professionisti (884.45 KB)
Antonella Dovani [VERSIONE ITALIANA] - From the "fall" phenomenon evaluation in the Hospital setting to empowerment of citizens and professionals (902.96 KB)
Antonella Dovani [ENGLISH VERSION] - Importance of motion sensors in the identification of older patients at risk of falling (975.09 KB)
Chiara Mussi - Fall risk assessment in hospital setting (442.88 KB)
Isabella Campanini - Multifactorial program for preventing falls in hospital at the IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute in Bologna (737.6 KB)
Patrizio Di Denia - Implementation of simple cost-effective tests of physical performance for the screening of frail people at risk for physical decline in different clinical settings (708.38 KB)
Stefano Volpato - Toward early detection of cognitive frailty in the community: tools and resources from past to next (294.2 KB)
Enrico Ghidoni [ENGLISH VERSION] - Database socio sanitari per la valutazione preliminare della fragilità sul territorio della Regione Emilia-Romagna
(2.36 MB)Tiziana Taggiasco - Eubiosia Project (1.14 MB)
Paolo Padoan - Complications Prevention in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (2.3 MB)
Dario Pellizzola - Networking actions in Mirandola Biomedical District (485.21 KB)
Laura Aldrovandi - Outcome assessment in interventions of Home Adaptation and Assistive Technology
(1.71 MB)Claudio Bitelli - The e-Care Service in Bologna (6.35 MB)
Caterina Lena - SOCIABLE. Motivating platform for elderly networking, mental reinforcement and social interaction (3.18 MB)
Chiara Zaccarelli, Giulio Cirillo